Friday, October 9, 2009

My kids...

It's late, I'm tired.  Just tucked in the last of my four babies.  Ok, they're not all babies anymore per say, however I will always consider them to be whether they like it or not! ;-)

Going to watch a movie now I think.  Before doing so thought of my blog.  Thought it would be a nice touch to put a picture of my kids on here.  So here they are...In order from left to right - Evan, Emberlyn, Cameron, & Kaylyn.

Plan on writing tomorrow about dads marker that was delivered to the cemetery on Monday.  Just don't have the mental strength to get into it now.

Until tomorrow....


  1. They're beautiful. Four of them! And I only had one. But he's a great kid too, a 36 year old "kid." And then I've got a daughter-in-law. A talented couple. I'm proud of them.

  2. Hi Tera,

    Just a note to tell you I thought of you today and hope everything is okay.

    Take care,

  3. Marja,

    How nice to hear from you, thank-you!!! Things have been interesting to say the least. Two of my kids, and myself have been sick so I haven't been doing much of anything lately. With Thanksgiving, it was difficult, as it's the "first" Thanksgiving without my dad. I'm managing as best I can. Happy belated Thanksgiving to you and your family.
